Thursday, April 14, 2011

Face 2 Face

This is a project that I am proud to be able to take part in! Join us as the journey of friendship unfolds into a documentary that you will want to witness.

How does technology shape our lives in 2011?

Can we be friends if we have never met in person?

Are we losing our ability to connect with each other?

Do other people in the world feel alone?

Katherine Brooks will travel around the United States meeting random facebook friends in an attempt to answer these questions and more...and
You can take part. Together we can make this happen. Check out the Kickstart page and donate $ you have a chance to be a part of history today!

Even if you can't spare a dollar you can share this with your friends and spread the word and the love.

Half Full or Half Empty


I am an explorer. I love learning. I am always on an adventure. I am happy. I choose love every day.

My hope is to share my love and compassion with everyone. We all have our own battles each and every day, I just want everyone to know you have a choice about what kind of warrior you are going to be.

You have the ultimate power to choose how you view things. How you interpret what is happening in your life is your choice. You can see the glass as half empty or you can see the glass as half full. You can choose to see only what is on the inside of the glass or you can take a step back and look at what is outside of the glass. There is always the opportunity for growth in every situation you are presented with. You can find the silver lining in each cloud. You can examine everything with Micro or Macro level thinking. Your thoughts make a difference.

Your thoughts make a difference.